Recent content by DeoDoeHD

  1. DeoDoeHD

    High School Is Making Me Go Crazy Help Me

    With the report card they recently did for 3rd nine weeks I feel as my GPA went down a lot. Originally I had a 2.5 GPA which is the minimum required to take college classes next school year when I am in 10th grade. So I don't know what to do at this point. I mean I still have to sit the test in...
  2. DeoDoeHD

    High School Is Making Me Go Crazy Help Me

    Wow. What a story. Thank you for sharing it. It was rather informative. I now have an idea of what I have to do and I shall see where everything takes me.
  3. DeoDoeHD

    High School Is Making Me Go Crazy Help Me

    Yeah. I might just have to focus fully on independent learning and work in general. It is just getting out of control.
  4. DeoDoeHD

    High School Is Making Me Go Crazy Help Me

    I am scared for the fact that when 10th grade comes around I might not be able to take college classes. I will talk to the principal about the situation after spring break. Changing classes is not possible due to her being the only Biology teacher in my entire high school. I am missing some...
  5. DeoDoeHD

    High School Is Making Me Go Crazy Help Me

    I am currently a freshman in high school and I am literally losing it. It is almost the end of the school year and on the current report card I failed half of my classes. The thing is that in order for my grades to average out properly I have to make A's. I failed Biology first semester so I...
  6. DeoDoeHD

    YouTube Is YouTube even possible????

    it's ok.
  7. DeoDoeHD

    YouTube Is YouTube even possible????

    i am a girl lolol. The youtube channel thing would be too much. Plus if there are more things that come up within 2017 I wont have a huge thing to deal with.
  8. DeoDoeHD

    YouTube Is YouTube even possible????

    I will just focus on learning new instruments and on Overwatch. I feel like that wont be as demanding as trying to do youtube. I dont think that youtube is even in my future with how my high school is and with everything i plan on doing.
  9. DeoDoeHD

    YouTube Is YouTube even possible????

    I think i will just do everything else and just forget about youtube for now. Yeah, I see what you are saying. I will end up doing everything else and just not do youtube because that wont work out.
  10. DeoDoeHD

    YouTube Is YouTube even possible????

    I might just forget about YouTube and focus on everything else instead. I am kind of used to putting myself through all of this. But I just wanted to actually have goals set this year because I usually never do. I might just do that. I truly dont know. But as of now YouTube will not be able to...
  11. DeoDoeHD

    YouTube Is YouTube even possible????

    i organized everything but YouTube just does not fit into my schedule
  12. DeoDoeHD

    YouTube Is YouTube even possible????

    I was thinking that I might actually be serious about having a YouTube channel. But then i realized that it might not work out the way I want it to. I barely have time to do anything because of the high school that I go to. Plus last semester my grades were terrible, I failed some of my classes...
  13. DeoDoeHD

    Whats your New Years Resolution?

    Thank you
  14. DeoDoeHD

    Whats your New Years Resolution?

    I want to start playing Overwatch and try to climb up the ranks. A dream of mine is to try to be apart of esports. So I am going to see how far I can go. Also i plan on drinking more water and want to finish a coloring book 100%.
  15. DeoDoeHD

    Community YouTube and Life

    I am officially on winter break which means that I can start to post things to my YouTube channel. The huge issue with all of this is that I really dont know what I want to do. I truly want to be myself on YouTube since school kind of limits me from that but I dont know how i could go along...