Recent content by InnocentMusik

  1. InnocentMusik

    Anyone Plays Any Instrument(s)?

    I play piano and flute. Not the best in flute, piano is def my stronger suit out of the two. But yeah, like Music Kid said, practice is definitely key - you'll get better eventually if you practice as little as an hour every day.
  2. InnocentMusik

    What is/was the last movie you watched??

    Most recent movie I watched is Zutto mae kara suki deshita. It was decent for a movie adaption of a Vocaloid playlist but HoneyWorks music are great as expected.
  3. InnocentMusik

    Favorite Anime?

    @Rafij Rahman: All the childhood memories :p My favourite is a tie between Gintama and Mawaru Penguindrum.
  4. InnocentMusik

    So the last episode of Re:Zero aired on the 19th.

    It was like an "ehhhh" ending. I did figured that the ending will be half assed with the limit that the anime company was given but considering that it's hinted that Re:Zero will get a second season, I'll live with that excuse for now.
  5. InnocentMusik

    Stress from YouTube?

    Most definitely. It's almost like second nature to criticize ourselves and then like you said, it's fine that it's not perfect. Just enjoy ourselves and we'll get somewhere eventually :D
  6. InnocentMusik

    Stress from YouTube?

    My source of stress isn't from making any new changes but when I'm my harshest critique. I can't help but say to myself that no, this can be better and it becomes a sad, spiraling mess.
  7. InnocentMusik

    Dashboard Universal Uploader Error

    Seems like what fixed it for me was that only works on Chrome compare to using Firefox. It's rather stupid on their part for not testing it on Firefox if they didn't.
  8. InnocentMusik

    What are your views on Pokemon GO?

    I absolutely enjoy Pokemon Go, it's an excuse to get myself out and walk around. But it can be dangerous overall if nobody is being careful and sadly it's not always in our control even if we're careful. This should be very obvious but I would recommend always bring a friend or go in groups if...
  9. InnocentMusik

    Dashboard Universal Uploader Error

    This is happening to me too. None of my videos are being synced xD. I already made a ticket on support and awaiting for their response. Let's hope it's not some BS answer.
  10. InnocentMusik

    Best Summer Anime In your opinion

    @Nerd, I think he meant Boku no Hero Academia. For Spring anime, Re:Zero gets enough hype as it is. I enjoy it myself too...But I'll go with Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge and Flying Witch. With all the action packed animes, seeing these relaxing, slice of life animes just brightens the mood and...
  11. InnocentMusik

    Worst game you've ever played?

    Probably Magicka? The glitches were unbearable to the point I just gave up on the game.
  12. InnocentMusik

    Favorite food!

    Does ice cream count? LOL If it doesn't then I got nothing. I like sweets a lot more than actual food. >x<
  13. InnocentMusik

    Dance or Music Channels

    I do dance but it's never in front of a camera and haven't dance in a long time. Still do like dancing. I run a music channel so yea, I sing and play piano and flute on my channel. Listening to music is a given. xP
  14. InnocentMusik

    Music channels

    I'm a pianist and flautist/flutist but been recently tapping into vocals so pardon my horrid voice xD. I do majority of covers and originals if I got the time.
  15. InnocentMusik

    What are your thoughts on #FUPA Here you go, an article from Times Magazine. Hearing about this, I was wondering what did H3H3 did to this guy that was suing.I haven't watched the video of that H3H3 video but seems like there's an reupload...