Recent content by RaihansTutorial

  1. RaihansTutorial

    GFX Request Freedom Partnership Invite

    Please visit this link: and login with facebook or twitter account. then create new ticket tell your problem.
  2. RaihansTutorial

    Solved "No earnings found"

    Just wait a month and then you can see your earning. :)
  3. RaihansTutorial


    You can use both.
  4. RaihansTutorial

    Solved Please Help

    You're Partner.
  5. RaihansTutorial

    Solved Estimated Owed For February?

    After an Month.
  6. RaihansTutorial

    Solved Few issues with my account

    Hello Dude. "undefined NaN NaN" it's not problm and don't worry. Freedom! forum bagde not shown automatically. just apply now: 1. Given your YouTube channel ID 2. Given your forum username 3. Given your freedom! registration email ID. Thanks
  7. RaihansTutorial

    Official No invitation ("learn more button" hasn't shown up)

    Why are you spamming this thread? freedom! community team will suspend you. don't share your channel link. :)
  8. RaihansTutorial

    Official No invitation ("learn more button" hasn't shown up)

    Just wait 3-4 days and see your freedom! dashboard Linked: YES just wait few days.
  9. RaihansTutorial

    Official No invitation ("learn more button" hasn't shown up)

    It will take months maximum You're already partnered.
  10. RaihansTutorial

    Solved Apply for Verified Channel and Paid Content

    First go to freedom! partner family.
  11. RaihansTutorial

    Solved im not partner in freedom anymore!

    Please wait a week and contact freedom! support team. 1. Go on: 2. and create new account and verify your email address. 3. Open a new ticket. and tell your all problem with Freedom! custom ID, YouTube channel and Youtube features page full screenshot. and Freedom! support...
  12. RaihansTutorial

    Solved HELP!!

    Don't worry dude. You must receive (Learn More) button in your YouTube dashboard. Just wait a week and contact Freedom! support. you can say your problem to support team Go on: 1. Create new account. 2. Confirm your email. 3. Open a new ticket. tell your problem...
  13. RaihansTutorial

    Solved Am I not accepted yet?

    Freedom! support team review your channel manually. and just wait a week. and you don't see (Learn More) button on your YouTube dashboard then open a new support ticket. then tell your problem. Give him you freedom! Custom ID, Channel Link and ''YouTube features page'' screenshot. then support...
  14. RaihansTutorial

    Official No invitation ("learn more button" hasn't shown up)

    Thanks Koala Already shown up my dashboard (Learn More) button and i accepted freedom! partner. thanks for your valuable information. :)