Recent content by SilverLeopard

  1. SilverLeopard

    PC PC collab?

    im up for some: Gta 7 days Rust and ofcourse the new Black Ops 3 :D
  2. SilverLeopard

    PC PC collab?

    csgo would be nice count me in
  3. SilverLeopard

    If you could only post one game to your channel from now on, what would that game be?

    imma break the game XD: Steam or else any variant of arma 2
  4. SilverLeopard

    PC Dayz Collab!

    Hello, my name is Duncan AKA Silver. and i am looking for a player or 2 to record and play Dayz with. the dayz we will be playing is either an arma 2 or arma 3 mod, (Hate The standalone), reply if you are interested... here are a few requirements tho. Must be Mature, (ofcourse you are allowed...
  5. SilverLeopard

    PC looking for pepole to join group

    count me in
  6. SilverLeopard

    PC New youtubers needed for a group

    right ere
  7. SilverLeopard


    we're on the english forums...
  8. SilverLeopard


    GNM, would love to play some csgo with ya
  9. SilverLeopard

    PC Youtube collab up need more members!

    Hello my name is Duncan Aka Silver, I am 15 My current microphone is the Blue Yeti Here are some of the games that I will like to definetly record: Minecraft, Gmod, GtaV, BO3, My Skype name: Chrome.scorpion My Time zone is CET Here is my Youtube channel...
  10. SilverLeopard

    PC Looking for people to collab with cuz..reason.

    im up for: CSGO, Gmod, Overwatch, and ofcourse the Majestic BO3
  11. SilverLeopard

    PC Minecraft SMP WE NEED PEOPLE!!!

    i would be interested to join
  12. SilverLeopard

    PC Looking for CS:GO players to play with

    im GNM
  13. SilverLeopard

    How did you find out about Minecraft?

    i heard from it thru a friend back in 2010-2011