Recent content by TheFighterNb2

  1. TheFighterNb2

    Comedy Greeting i'm new to freedom

    I like the content, Even though i can't understand Thai .... But great Job Amigo(Amigo is like saying dude or guy in Spanish or anyone really)
  2. TheFighterNb2

    Music DBD Parody Instrumental Remix Collab! [HELP]

    Possibly, what did you have in mind.[UPDATE] Here's what the song will sound like, I just need a voice actor or Singer, Please if you know anyone that is a female with a good mic, that would be willing to do this please share it with them. Also side note this will be animated so yeha xD...
  3. TheFighterNb2

    Comedy Season 3 of my Comedy Show is here! The Lottery Ticket!!

    The acting could be better rehearsed, but Overall Pretty amazing amigo :D
  4. TheFighterNb2

    Film/Animation [Speed Paint] Suggestion's and Idea's! +Criticism wanted

    So Any suggestions on how I could better my format for speedpaints, as well does anyone know where I can find Completly free Royalty free music no copyright! I love using music from talented creators because they're amazing but I don't want the copyright infringement on my videos. As well any...
  5. TheFighterNb2

    Music DBD Parody Instrumental Remix Collab! [HELP]

    I Decent, not Amazing but decent animator, I can animate anything as long i have references, why do you ask?
  6. TheFighterNb2

    PC Lets Make Videos!

    Well I got Dead By Daylight and Rocket Leauge and Gmod
  7. TheFighterNb2

    GFX Request Need a 2D Intro (Vegas Pro)

    I sent ya a message via Youtube.
  8. TheFighterNb2

    Film/Animation Walk Cycle reference [Animators]

    Well Thank you, amigo Appreciate it, Have a Nice Day :3
  9. TheFighterNb2

    Film/Animation Walk Cycle reference [Animators]

    So ever have a weird time trying to make your Characters Walk or Run and other Awesome Things! Well, I have not a tutorial but a reference video, as well as me for information that needs more explaining in detail so more or less kinda of a tutorial but ... not really. If you're rookie animator...
  10. TheFighterNb2

    Gaming Looking for any suggestions to help grow my channel.

    Hmm I would say a New Intro Definitely , not to sound like an A-hole but it seems outdated(and bland), I personally would change the Profile Pic, something more unique, as well the Channel Banner, It doesn't say a lot about you amigo, what do you do, where are you social contacts and a bit of...
  11. TheFighterNb2

    Podcast Looking to make a podcast/group

    Sure i Would be interested, some of my interests would be video gaming, animating, anime, movies, Tv series, creepypastas, memes that is just a few off my head. Hope to see ya soon amigo :3 Also Heres my Gmail [email protected]
  12. TheFighterNb2

    VLOG New YouTube Team

    I join the discord server, umm are there still any opening amigo?
  13. TheFighterNb2

    Gaming The Shady Crew Podcast

    Sure i wouldn't mind if there's still space.
  14. TheFighterNb2

    VR game creating team

    Well if you had a plan, and references that would probably help, i mean what kinda of game is you want to make? btw im just an artist not a coder
  15. TheFighterNb2

    PC Hey all HaZZoreon here looking for members for new group

    What's This gonna be doing?