Recent content by tim harwood

  1. tim harwood

    VR Hello everyone would you like a shoutout and your awesome video to be shown?

    heyy mate would love a shoutout i do mostly sports games but have had a couple shadow of mordor videos up my channel is
  2. tim harwood

    VR Anyone Want a Shoutout on Youtube?

    i would love one thanks really struggling for subs and view would mean heaps
  3. tim harwood

    Favorite Movie?

    mazerunner 1 and 2 both are my fav movies at the moment cant wait to see the last one when it comes out in a couple of years
  4. tim harwood

    Everyones Currently most played game?

    my most played game at the moment is fifa 16 or rugby league live 3 but thats just because i am a sports fanatic