Winter Wallpapers / FTU Images

GFX Misc Winter Wallpapers / FTU Images 1.0

No permission to download

Please note that the actual images have higher quality.
GIFs just have worse color schemes and are smaller.
I've decided I want to start giving away free Images to Partners. You may use these in your videos, on your websites, as art templates, you name it. If you do decide to use them, download them above and send me where you used them, I love seeing people using my stuff for creative things!

More Information
These pictures were made with my phone on a skiing holiday in France (Val d'Isère) and I've decided to put the best 21 ones up for grabs.

You may download the images at the link above. It is a shortened link so I'm able to see how many people download these images to see whether they do well. If you don't trust the shortened links you may look at the spoiler below.
I am providing this for free and have a few more nice images I could post. I want to use these shortened links to be able to know how many people find a use for these. Here's proof as to where the link goes:

Here's the shortened link without the download button blocking it:
And if you still don't trust it, here's the direct link:
  1. I have read the C.R.I.B. Rules.
  1. I agree that the resource I'm uploading is something that I created or am allowed to share.
  1. I agree that by uploading this resource, I hereby grant all Freedom! Community members the permission to use it.
First release
Last update
4.67 star(s) 3 ratings

Latest reviews

A collection of wonderful pictures, which would make great backgrounds, art templates or anything else your mind could create. Personally I love them as they current stand and may have to save them as alternate screen savers.
A nice pack with a nice variety of images, However I'd suggest renaming the files just so they are not random letter and numbers. Just select them all and rename the first one in the group and it will rename them all with numbers for you automatically.