Search results

  1. The Guillotine

    GFX Request Anime ish channel avatar

    Hey public, I was wondering if any people out there would be able to like, draw an avatar, but similar to anime. if so, can I be messaged on Twitter at headslicer34 or through Skype as The Guillotine // IkatsunagiTG. Thank you for reading, and good luck all. Btw, that's the skin I would like to...
  2. The Guillotine

    Gaming Hiya! I'm new here!

    So, I have been on YT for 6 years, and around 6 months ago, I started doing YouTube gameplay using Minecraft. Since then, I have just loved recording. Recently, I have been focused on playing other games, but Minecraft is still my focus. I wanna make YouTube a job like thing, but I have no...