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  1. P

    Community Shoutouts

    Ok, but you are the very last one! Just make comment on some of my vids and stay active and sub :) It's the least you could do for a shoutout :D I'll make sure to show the highlights of your channel and what it's all about
  2. P

    Gaming RielGaming YouTuber With 10,000+ Subscribers

    Welcome to the community man! I wish you best of luck :)
  3. P

    How long do you take to make thumbnails?

    You can check my channel and look at my thumbnails to decide if you like them or not. I try to make a good title in my thumbnail, and I focus a lot on lighting due to photoshop being a 2d program. I love photoshop. You can pretty much do anything in photoshop, so do whatever you really want to...
  4. P

    Community Shoutouts

    Thanks to everyone for participating in this! Throughout the next videos that I upload I will shout you guys out! If you want a shout-out from now on, please participate by doing one thing! Just stay active on my YouTube channel...That is all. Thanks! :D
  5. P

    Community Shoutouts

    Yup! You will be close to some of the last people that I shout-out! Thanks for your comment! Make sure to sub to my channel otherwise the deal is off, and you won't get a shout-out :D
  6. P

    Community Shoutouts

    Thanks breh! I'll make sure to add you to the list of shout-outs! By the way, you can't un-subscribe either. If I found out that you did then I will remove you from the shout-out :)
  7. P

    Community Shoutouts

    Hurry up guys! I am only taking so many at a time, and a lot of people are asking for shoutouts :D
  8. P

    Community Shoutouts

    Ok I'll add you to the list :D BTW make sure you subscribe first!
  9. P

    Community Shoutouts

    No problem man! I'll put you on the list
  10. P

    Community ScalperHero Shout Out Series - Grow Your Channel

    Thnx man! I love people who help to grow the community! In my newest video I would love to talk about your shout-out series if you do a shout-out on my channel! Thanks man! Have a good day :D
  11. P

    Community Shoutouts

    Ok man! You'll go on the list of people I shout out :D
  12. P

    Community Shoutouts

    No problem man! I'll make sure to check out your channel as well
  13. P

    Community Shoutouts

    No problem! :)
  14. P

    Community Shoutouts

    Thanks! Would you like to be the second shoutout?
  15. P

    Community Shoutouts

    Thanks for replying! You and your friend will both be featured in my next video
  16. P

    Community Shoutouts

    I am going to be starting a thing on my channel where every few videos I shoutout a well deserving YouTube channel. This can be someone who works hard, uploads every day, or just deserves a bigger following. I currently have 365 subscribers, so this could possible be beneficial to small...
  17. P

    Tips & Tricks How to Gain Popularity and More Subs

    I think the main tip that I have always been told is this. Upload every single day while just being yourself. That is how you will gain subscribers :)