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  1. Kemtari

    So what is for you important in games?

    Same for me... There is one Remake for a realy old game but i dont remember which game it was because the remake was that bad xD For me it's pretty easy... Story = Good and Gameply = Mediocre/Bad... there is just one solution for me... get the F****** used to it for the story and a bit for Kane...
  2. Kemtari

    So what is for you important in games?

    Well yeah thats true. Thats one of the things i liked on the Fire Emblem Series. But most time i combine the character development with the story, it's great if this combines well and it makes it like "alive" if the character develops together with the story. I love it when you get sucked in by...
  3. Kemtari

    Tips & Tricks Chronamut's tips for growing your channel

    Well thats a huge amount of usefull tips. It's great to find some tips everybody can use and think about to keep in mind.
  4. Kemtari

    So what is for you important in games?

    Hey there, i would like to get to know whats for you all about games. Like graphics, story and stuff like that. For my part, the most important part is the story. I want to get in the game, feel with the actors, feel every decision you make and how everything plays out. For me it's the nr.1...
  5. Kemtari

    Having Fun Doing YouTube??

    Well this if you're serious than you can just give one answer to that question. Ther is no point doing stuff you don't like this will break you in some time.:) For me it is just like in my work. It is a great way to meet new people all over the world, with the same interests you have and the...
  6. Kemtari

    Your favourite game as a kid?

    My most loved games as kid i had... well just Crash Bandicoot 1-3 (But loved the second one mos, little polar bears :)), the Fist Command & Conquer, Pokemon Blue and the last on my list is Sonic on the god old Sega. :D Edit: Forgot the most important one...:eek: I Loved to play the Settlers 1 and 2
  7. Kemtari

    Fun and Games 1 Word story
