Ep10. Surviving Your First Few Days as a Newcomer | Game Guide | Mortal Online 2 Beta

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Sep 9, 2021 at 11:10 AM
The world of Mortal Online 2 is, to put it mildly, a harsh and unforgiving place. Newcomers often find themselves being extremely vulnerable to a myriad of dangers at every turn, and the sting of every death and loss is painfully felt. Thankfully, there are a number of basic precautions that every player, from novice to veteran, can take to reduce the likelihood of them falling victim to these dangers.

Situational Awareness in Mortal Online 1: https://youtu.be/oue5ir1gC3E

00:00 - For Your Viewing Pleasure
03:32 - Full Situational Awareness at All Times Is Paramount
06:46 - I Can’t Stress This Enough, Do Not Ever Go AFK Anywhere
10:40 - Experience Is the Best Teacher
13:26 - Your Words and Actions Have Far-Reaching Consequences
17:56 - Be Prepared to Learn and Do Your Own Research
22:06 - If You Plan on Playing MO2, You Will Need Grit and a Very Thick Skin
23:40 - Contrary to What You May Think, the Bank Is Not a Safe Place
26:00 - We Have an Unspoken Rule Regarding Mounts in Banks
29:44 - MO2 Is Very Much a Thinking Man’s MMORPG
31:55 - Take Your Time and Enjoy This Game Like a Gourmet Meal
33:34 - We May Be Onto Something Interesting Here
35:50 - Mounts Have One Distinct Disadvantage in Mountainous Areas
37:59 - Like the Old Saying Goes, Curiosity Killed the Cat

Mortal Online 2 is the long-awaited sequel to Star Vault’s long-running first-person sandbox MMORPG. Explore a massive open sandbox world and choose your own path, but be aware, danger lurks around every corner in this full PvP full loot world.

At the time of this video, the game version was https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1170950/view/5174059697287887131
You can find out more about Mortal Online at the game's official website: http://www.mortalonline2.com
Mortal Online 2 FAQ: https://www.mortalonline2.com/faq/
The game can be purchased and played on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1170950/Mortal_Online_2/
Mortal Online 2 Roadmap: https://www.mortalonline2.com/alpha/#roadmap

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