Ep9. The Science of Steel V2.0 | Game Guide | Mortal Online 2 Beta

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Aug 20, 2021 at 12:38 PM
Steel is one of the better metals available in Mortal Online 2, and one that involves a number of mathematical formulas to successfully create. This will be the second iteration of my video I made several years back, called The Science of Steel. I hope to simplify the process and present the information in a more streamlined manner this time.

The Science of Steel for Mortal Online 1: https://youtu.be/upCTEaDEOL0

00:00 - For Your Viewing Pleasure
01:42 - Mining in Town Versus Out in the Wilderness
04:24 - The Crusher and Grinder Will Give You Different Results
08:01 - A Short Tale of a Dangerous Encounter
11:06 - The Wilderness Is Now More Dangerous Than Ever
12:00 - How Player Politics Can Affect You Whether You Want It or Not
13:57 - My Thoughts on the Long Trip Back to Fabernum
14:57 - The Two Important Rocks You Will Need to Mine
16:30 - It May Take Some Getting Used to Telling the Two Rocks Apart
19:03 - Head on Over to the Crusher in Fabernum
19:30 - Sometimes, the Right Words May Grant You Safe Passage
22:42 - A Special Shout-Out to a Kind Player, and Directions to the Library
24:49 - Mining and Making Some Money on the Side
25:36 - Creating One of the Essential Catalysts
27:26 - Smelting Ore Into Unrefined Metal
29:10 - The First Refining Process Towards Steel
31:12 - The Final Refining Process Towards Steel
32:16 - A Little Bonus Footage for Those Who Have Watched This Far
35:19 - In Summary
36:31 - Breathtaking Moments of My Trip Back to Fabernum

Mortal Online 2 is the long-awaited sequel to Star Vault’s long-running first-person sandbox MMORPG. Explore a massive open sandbox world and choose your own path, but be aware, danger lurks around every corner in this full PvP full loot world.

At the time of this video, the game version was https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1170950/view/2990938683954239051
You can find out more about Mortal Online at the game's official website: http://www.mortalonline2.com
Mortal Online 2 FAQ: https://www.mortalonline2.com/faq/
The game can be purchased and played on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1170950/Mortal_Online_2/
Mortal Online 2 Roadmap: https://www.mortalonline2.com/alpha/#roadmap

If you enjoyed this video, please consider supporting me through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/finegamingconnoisseur

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