The Protector Trials - The Adonis Baths - Trial 3 [Perfect A+ Rating]

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Aug 16, 2017 at 1:37 PM
Posted by Fluffy
BioShock 2 (Remastered) DLC, The Protector Trials
(BioShock: The Collection, 2016)

Scoring a perfect A+ rating (555 ADAM) on The Adonis Baths 3 trial.

+ Set up traps with the Trap Spears if you want, but I didn't bother too much. Aim well and shoot Splicers directly. Anything that isn't killed instantly by the initial impact will die when the secondary shock kicks in. Ditto with Rocket Spears.
+ Use Hypnotize to take over Splicers.
+ Hypnotized Splicers will focus on whatever is closest to them. If that means you, then they focus on you. If it's another Splicer, they'll take the heat off you for a while.
+ Hitting a Splicer with Hpynotize will stun them momentarily - good way to line up a follow-up shot.
+ Hypnotize doesn't last forever.
+ Save the Shotgun for Splicers that get up too close - in particular the Spider Splicers that show up near the end.
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