Top 10 Amazing Facts About North Korea (MAD FACTS)

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Nov 19, 2017 at 8:59 PM
Posted by Smart Facts UK
Top 10 Facts About North Korea / Top Ten Mad Facts North Korea

North Korea is officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)

What will you find out about the country of North Korea? Thanks for watching Subscribe for more.

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The Top 10 Crazy Facts About North Korea :-

10. North Korea is the world's only necrocracy:
a government that still operates under the rules
of a former, dead leader.
9. Marijuana is legal and is not even classified as a drug
in North Korea.
8. North Koreans may only choose from 28 approved haircuts.
7. In North Korea, the year is counted after the birth of its
founder, Kim II-Sung. In 2017, it is the year 207.
6. In the 50s, North Korea built Kijong-dong, a "nice" city visible from the border, to encourage South Koreans in. It's actually a ghost town.
5. In 2013, North Korea's president killed his own uncle by throwing him naked into a cage with 120 starving dogs.
4. North Korea holds elections every 5 years in which the ballots list only one candidate.
3. The 'de-militarized' zone between North and South Korea is the world's most militarized zone.
2. For 20 years, the World's Tallest Hotel was a 105-story empty pyramid in Pyongyang, North Korea.
1. In 2011, North Korean researchers concluded that North Korea is the second happiest country in the world. The happiest is China.

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