FFF Freedom Un-'Covered'

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015

It's Friday (well Saturday, sorry about that) and you all know what that means, its time for another FFF, so sit back relax and enjoy.

Forum Contest Ending

Don't forget this is the last day in which you can submit your entry for the September Forum Contest, which will not only show your emoji to Discord and the Forums but also reward you with some game keys as well for your hard work. Last chance to join the contest here

Newest Newsletter

Our favourite @Ashley SilverDust returns once again to give us all another wonderful newsletter filled with fantastic news for streamers, tip videos from Creator Academy and lots of videos from Freedom Central including our new Brotherhood of Gamers. To see more check out her thread here

We've got Cover Songs Covered

So many of you may have already seen the MASSIVE news Freedom announced, but for those who didn't I thought I would take a second to spotlight this. As you may have already guessed from the title Freedom now has a system in place to allow you to monetise cover songs with Freedom. These can be used by any and all channels and not just ones working with cover songs exclusively due to We Are The Hits (WATH for short). To see more and to get all the information about this change feel free to check out Freedom's video here

Seems like the past week has been rather fantastic for some of our users such as :

@x9nico_YT who recently hit 270 subscribers on their channel, to see their original thread and to share the love, see here

We also have @KingHitman who achieved a total of 2,500 views in a fortnights, pretty impressive huh. To share your appreciation and congratulate KingHitman, then pop over to their thread here

And our last spotlight goes to @Deathlake for getting their art and animation showcased, which is pretty amazing if I do say so myself. To see the art / animation and to share our Freedom spirit head on over to their thread here

So that's it for another week, which do you think was the most deserving of our mentions? Visit the poll at the top and have your say. We are also looking to showcase the very best of your contributions to the forums, so if you have a tip, resource, service, milestone or introduction thread that you think should be showcased then please don't hesitate to get in touch!



The Crazy Boi
Freedom! Member
Feb 10, 2016
Forum Contest Ending: Following the entries that I have seen and voted on, I will be giving away my own prize for the emoji I thought was well designed. This prize won't be based on how useful it may be in a conversational perspective, but what looks visually appealing and maybe something I would use.

The prize will be a free steam game from a collection that I have stored at the moment.

Freedom! Newsletter: Thanks for reminding me about that @zeke morgan, I need to catch up on the news as I have been a bit delayed with the Freedom! Central videos, need to plan my time more efficiently, especially with college taking most of it up. The community team has a lot to offer so I am glad there is a newsletter every two weeks to keep up to date with everything.

Covers: As I am not a content creator anymore, I probably won't use this to my own advantage, but it seems like a very good idea to find music that can be monetised to make videos more lively and make them earn money as well.

Milestones and Achievements: Every time I like looking at the progression of the Freedom community, but the last one caught my eye, it isn't something you regularly see and having a look at the original thread, that is definitely an achievement to be proud of. In any type of industry, exposure is crucial to growth, so the publication of this piece of art allowed others to see the work made by Deathlake. Personal congratulations to you.

Other than that, I miss the images/gifs that we used to have, but sometimes that just clutters the screen and makes it a nuisance to read, but besides that, lovely FFF to uncover what the week had to offer.
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