Gaming Hey!


Rising User
Freedom! Member
My name is Sebastian, 22, of Chile. Creator of one of the largest communities of Chile called "Gamer Chileno". A big fan of the Battlefield series and Left 4 Dead and follower by E-Sports, participate in the first season of Legends of Gaming Chile, reaching the semifinals.

My content mainly to my channel CS: GO and League of Legends, I do in live through Facebook subscribers and talking to people in my community. I work as a journalist when launching events or E-Sports, written records do sometimes and I love cats (I have 4)

YouTube've known him since 2006, I have seen has changed and molded all time and is something that has caught me a while to make content of various types in my area that I mentioned. I spent a year uploading videos, reaching 800 subs, after a pause of a year Hardware issues, I returned and wanting to do something until I have a steady job.