Request I would love some thoughts on my channel

Steam Controller Gaming

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Oct 1, 2016
I don't have a specific request such as "what do you think of my banner?" or anything like that, I'm pretty much just wanting to see what people think of my channel overall.

If you have any constructive criticism about anything at all, anything you liked, etc... I would love to hear it.


zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
Ok so here is my review

Your channel banner is ok it says exactly what you do on the tin I.e it outlines your channel name and tells us how you play the games, however you do have a lot of dead space in the banner, which isn't necessarily a bad thing I think you could just tweak it a bit, maybe include something to fill those empty black spaces to the left and right of the logo. Also speaking about the smaller YT icon you might want to try resizing it as it comes across very squished and illegible. (A small thing I know but wanted to mention about it)

Moving on its very nice to see that you have videos organised in playlists and have taken the time to write something in the about section of your channel, again its also nice to see you have linked your other accounts (twitter patreon and Facebook) here as well.

Now the next part may sound a bit harsh and please don't think i mean it to come off that why but your channel trailer didn't grab me, instead you came off sounding a bit robotic which didn't really entice me to watch your videos if i had just stumbled across your channel. If you have the chance, and i know this may sound dumb but maybe reuploading it, with a script / outline of what you want to say while smiling may help. I offer that as a suggestion as people can normally tell when your enjoying a game or anything for that matter from your voice and from watching it at this minute it seems a bit like you didn't really know what to say, or if indeed you were saying too much.

Though saying that on your videos such as your Doorways series, when you do speak is always very clearly and I can't fault your audio. What I especially like is that you don't try and talk all throughout the video which some "lets play" gamers tend to do. Another thing you might want to consider going forward is creating some kind of intro to your videos, there isn't anything wrong with jumping straight into them but maybe to help with your brand recognition it won't hurt to have a quick intro just to ease into the video.

Lastly (just realised how long this is, sorry about that) is your thumbnails. My only suggestion to those is try and be consistent, as some like the Doorways and Bastion seem very simplistic (in a good way) and really stand out while others for example your Unreal Tournament or to some extent CS:GO seem a bit cluttered and messy. Its sometimes very difficult getting that thin line for them and I know it can be difficult creating something that "pops" everytime.

Anyway I shall end it there as I think I've wrote enough for now. Hope it helps :)

Steam Controller Gaming

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Oct 1, 2016
Now the next part may sound a bit harsh and please don't think i mean it to come off that why but your channel trailer didn't grab me, instead you came off sounding a bit robotic which didn't really entice me to watch your videos if i had just stumbled across your channel.

I thought the same thing actually, lol. I do need to re-do it with a script because I had to do that video like 10 times just to make it seem like a real person was talking. It helps to have other opinions since I'm too hard on myself and can't tell when I'm just being a perfectionist or what actually needs work.

I'm going to keep the above ^^^ and the rest of your comments into consideration and work on changing/improving some things. Thanks a lot!

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
Don't worry I know what its like doing a video multiple times to make it sound just right, I think we might all be guilty of that. As I should have said everything I said above is just my opinion so feel free to ignore it or take what I said with a pinch of salt.

Steam Controller Gaming

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Oct 1, 2016
As I should have said everything I said above is just my opinion so feel free to ignore it or take what I said with a pinch of salt.

I liked all your suggestions, so I'll keep them in mind while I try to do my own thing, you know? I definitely appreciate everything you said though (and plan on incorporating some of them in the future), so thanks again!