

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Sep 30, 2015
Hi all sorry if this sounds like a rant

As many of you may have noticed there's hardly a game out now without dlc of some sort but there's one type that really sticks in the throat


Anybody else sick of seeing this in games that you have paid 50 quid plus for already?
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Filipino Let's Player <Astig>
Freedom! Member
Jan 3, 2014
if its just cosmetic then im good with it. But if its a game content that it should be already in game..Then no..im not buying it.


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Oct 27, 2015
Well I feel that if I paid for the game, then I should get all the content that comes along with it, like when I was younger, but I know times have changed and games are more expensive to make, so I understand DLC. I would also understand if they had to raise the price (if there was no other way to make a profit) of the games. I feel Microtransactions are evil in games you paid for, and for some free to play games. Some are good when it comes to this, but when Triple A titles comes out with them, it makes me feel that the gaming industry is going down hill.

I will say that I will not spend a dime on these things (unless it's a free-to-play game). So I guess if we keep supporting this, it's not going to go away. I will say if Square Enix ever puts these in Kingdom Hearts, I will be very upset... but I might break and buy some...
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Nolan Westmore

I take up space
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
Microtransactions have acceptable and unacceptable placement.

- Post-release DLC: DLC production started after games release.
- Booster packs that are not necessary to add more to the game.
- Limited-edition resell, didn't get the LE? Get the stuff here. But only if the LE didn't add cost (much) cost for them.
- Free games (within reason)

- Day-one DLC.
- Ridiculously high priced items that add nothing to the game (CS:GO knives)
- Necessary add-ons to have fun in the game.
- Subscription-based assets.


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Sep 30, 2015
Well I feel that if I paid for the game, then I should get all the content that comes along with it, like when I was younger, but I know times have changed and games are more expensive to make, so I understand DLC. I would also understand if they had to raise the price (if there was no other way to make a profit) of the games. I feel Microtransactions are evil in games you paid for, and for some free to play games. Some are good when it comes to this, but when Triple A titles comes out with them, it makes me feel that the gaming industry is going down hill.

I will say that I will not spend a dime on these things (unless it's a free-to-play game). So I guess if we keep supporting this, it's not going to go away. I will say if Square Enix ever puts these in Kingdom Hearts, I will be very upset... but I might break and buy some...
couldn't agree with you more. Yes games are getting more expensive to build nowadays and the base price hasn't really gone up if were honest. And yes game development is a business that wants to make as much money as possible from you. this is also understandable. but microtransactions are the ugliest, thinly veiled blatant profiteering form of this that actually in my view make a game worse off. mobile app games and games like say warframe I have a little more truck with it as these games were free to play in the first place but it does leave a sour taste in the mouth when you have paid full price for a game then are asked to pay more for what is in my view effectively nothing
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The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
Depends on what it is and the price for it. Micro is the new way of earning quick cash for companies. One thing that worked on my nerves is the micro for a mount in ESO. You could buy a horse ingame but it took me a long time and price for a quick unlock was 10 euro's or so wich is just insane...