Request Montage, please give some tips

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I honestly don't know what to think about this. You can really make a good montage of Minecraft since you can't do cinematic cameras or anything. The only thing I can think of that would make it look better is if you jumped off of something and shot someone with a bow in mid-air but that's really high expectations. (I haven't played Minecraft in years since I quit so its hard for me to judge this one) One thing that's good is the song. I love that song!

If you want some other good copyright free song, maybe watch my stream ;)

Phil Kidd

Human Person
Freedom! Member
Dec 10, 2014
I just found it boring and repetitive. I know you were fighting different people (because I can see the name), but it seemed like the same fight over and over and over again. Whack him with your sword, run away, heal up, whack him some more.

All the cuts to black seemed a bit much too. Cutting to black can be really impactful, but not if you do it every 25 seconds. Add in some other sort of transition. Crop a bit, zoom a bit, slow mo a bit, mix it up. More establishing shots would be great, setting the scene and the mood.

Also, the montage doesn't even begin until 13 seconds in. You'd lose me after 6 seconds of lethargic talking. Start the background music/gameplay while you're talking over it, or give a short preview clip before you start talking to hook the viewer.

TLDR: It's needs a lot more to hold attention and engage the viewer.