My Channel Trailer

Phil Kidd

Human Person
Freedom! Member
Dec 10, 2014

Let me know what you guys think!
Good length, but doesn't strike me as a trailer. Struck me as just an odd video overall. If I weren't reviewing it, I would have just clicked away after the first 7 seconds of screen text. I found myself wondering, "why isn't anyone talking, or at least anything happening?"

You mention in the video at the beginning "thanks for watching that trailer", which is strange. Why not just have a video that's entirely a trailer? The middle bit was very jarring especially since you didn't continue the same music through it.

Honestly, you're better off having a trailer where you're saying all those things instead of presenting the points with text. You do want people to watch and sub because of YOU right? Sell YOURSELF as the reason they should sub, not the content quite as much. There are thousands of gaming channels out there but only one you. Make sure you bring a bit more enthusiasm when delivering your lines for the trailer (even write them out and rehearse them).


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Nov 27, 2015
Awesome thanks for the help so that i can try to work on these things, maybe I should try and redo this with more "Me" and less Pretty stuff?
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