Solved No Learn more button and lack of support...

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Arem Rasp

New User
Jul 21, 2016
It has been almost 5 days since I have "partnered" with Freedom. I have done all the necessary steps to partner and have yet to receive the LEARN MORE button. I contacted support and waited to get a reply. I sent over everything they would need minus the custom ID. About a day later I got a response asking for my custom ID, my YouTube channel link, and screen shot of my features page. Needless to say I sent everything over without hesitation. WELL, GUESS WHAT? I never got a response back and have yet to receive a response. I'm not bashing Freedom. I am actually super excited to partner. but I think the lack of support is ridiculous. Any Ideas?


Rising User
Jul 19, 2016
I really don't know what happened to these clowns over the last month but they're dropping the ball really really badly. My channel's been in the hole since June 29th. Best of luck to you.

I, on the other hand, am more than happy to bash freedom. My sub-mcn was great - and they got things done. YouTube changed the policy to dissolve sub-mcn's and instead of taking on those people to better the main MCN - freedom decided to go quiet.
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