FFF Restricted mode getting you down? Have no fear Freedom's here

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015

Hello once again Freedom Family!, its Friday so we all know what time it is, so sit back enjoy and catch up on the week with our latest Freedom Forum Friday post

~~ Announcements ~~

Restricted Mode - Good, Bad or Ugly?
So a few things for us to update you on, and an quick explanation regarding the title of this feature. As you may know YouTube has now offered a 'Restricted Mode' for viewers, which is an optional setting that can be turned on / off which limits certain content from being shown. After reading @CommonFamilySurvival post about it here I thought I would look into this, and it seems like, certain meta data is being used to decide whether or not your videos show in 'Restricted Mode' with some fairly disastrous results. As such I would recommend you check out your channels via 'Restricted Mode' to see what videos may be effected and if you feel your content complies to the guidelines posed for Restricted you can either edit the video (as this forces the system to re-evaluate your video or complete the feedback form here to ask them to review up to 5 videos at a time

Newest MOTM is here!
Onto more nicer things, our latest MOTM has been announced, if you haven't seen the post outlined here - then please be sure to message @GeeksGoGaming on becoming our newest MOTM.

June Competition is still open
Also there is still time to enter our June competition, this month $100 of game keys are on offer for our lucky winners, all you need to do is tell us which YouTuber you would like to meet at VidCom, what makes them stand out from the rest and what could other YouTubers's learn from them to become a more successful channel. Be sure to keep these answers to under 300 words. For full details about the qualifying criteria and to submit your entry please see this thread here

~~ Milestones ~~

Announcements are good, don't get me wrong, but this is where we show off you, the community. These could be YouTube related, forum related, it could even be life related if you wish to give away that information. You might wonder why you are not here and that is not because these are better than your's, it is just that we cannot fit everyone in! Nobody wishes to read a mile long list of everyone's successes, or do you? Nevertheless, these are the milestones that caught our eye!

We always love helping our users celebrate their milestones, and this week is no exception so please be sure to congratulate the following for their milestones / achievements

- @Sky Gamer for recently hitting 70 subscribers, which you can view here. Well done, and I'm sure it won't be long until your hitting triple figures so be sure to keep this up
- @theketolifter just reached an impressive 50,000 views, which is truly magnificent, be sure to share the love on their thread, which can be found here
- @Cyber Gaming Studios for reaching 1,000 subscribers, and for writing such a pleasant milestone / achievement thread, which can be found here
- @Fanty VDB for not just reaching 10,000 views, or for having 100 videos, but also for joining the Freedom! Family. Be sure to celebrate with them here, and I hope we shall be seeing you around the forums in the coming weeks / months

~~ Fun and Games ~~

Don't forget that in addition to our monthly competitions, discussion threads and celebrating milestones / achievements with members of the community we should also have time to enjoy ourselves with a bit of harmless fun. In this case its always good to look at the 'Fun and Games' section of the forum as you never know what you may find.

Could you survive a zombie apocalypse?
Our latest MOTM recently posed a zombie apocalypse hypothetical game in which you are able to take 3 non food items, 2 food items, 1 person and an animal and I have to say I've been racking my brain trying to pick the best combination - do you think you could do any better, if so be sure to swing by here

One website to rule them all
Or if your not into Zombies, how about if you could only access one website for the rest of your life, bit it couldn't be Google / YouTube or a search engine, what would it be? Be sure to leave your answers here

So that's it for another week, which do you think was the most deserving of our mentions?
We are also looking to showcase the very best of your contributions to the forums, so if you have a tip, resource, service, milestone or introduction thread that you think should be showcased then please don't hesitate to get in touch!



Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Aw, how come I didn't get a shout out for hitting 100 subscribers. :(
You might wonder why you are not here and that is not because these are better than your's, it is just that we cannot fit everyone in! Nobody wishes to read a mile long list of everyone's successes, or do you? Nevertheless, these are the milestones that caught our eye!

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
@zeke morgan This is awesome, thank you for announcing me ^^ much appreciated. I checked out the apocalypse thing, it was very intresting!
Your most welcome for the mention :)
Aw, how come I didn't get a shout out for hitting 100 subscribers. :(
We only pick some of the milestone / achievement threads, or things that have caught our eye throughout the week, this isn't anything personal we just can't feature everyone. Also unless we are checking everyone's progress manually we rely on the milestone / achievement threads to help outline some of these, and it appears you haven't shared your achievement of reaching 100 subscribers on the forums yet - you recently posted hitting 8K views but I see nothing relating to your subscribers


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Your most welcome for the mention :)

We only pick some of the milestone / achievement threads, or things that have caught our eye throughout the week, this isn't anything personal we just can't feature everyone. Also unless we are checking everyone's progress manually we rely on the milestone / achievement threads to help outline some of these, and it appears you haven't shared your achievement of reaching 100 subscribers on the forums yet - you recently posted hitting 8K views but I see nothing relating to your subscribers
Ah ok, thank you.
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