Request Review of My channel


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jul 27, 2015
Germany at Home
well ur voice isnt really loud compared to the music - sometimes
another thing the music u pick dosnt really fit to the game sometimes (techno dubstep in long dark?)
go with something more mystery type of music for this type of game

Taming a Dire Wolf || Ark Survival Evolved (the new one) -
has long dark in it -
so maybe change the video title?

ur description could need more infos aswell
your YT-Banner could need some more letters of maybe ur YT name?^^

some letters on few thumbnails are to small that makes them hard to read
this as example
Looking The Wrong Way || The Long Dark ( Gameplay/RolePlay)
more variety in the thumbnails wouldnt hurt aswell
u use to often the same thumbnail
for my tast atleast

ur channel info could need some stuff aswell maybe twitter-/facebook?

Proud to be fruit

Community Team
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
Jun 1, 2016
I can honestly say that you are the best kid let's player I have seen so far. I love your humor and humility especially in your trailer. I love when you just walked away with you laptop in one video "This wasn't planned". You have good energy and a good personality, and you seem genuine.

But you didn't write to hear just praises did you? =P First of all I would like you to think about the following. Who are you? Who are you as an entertainer, what is your personality? I'm asking because the way you open your videos, saying "WHATS UP" doesn't correspond with the person is see later in the video. At least not to me. It's doesn't seem like you, it seems like you are copying someone. When you can answer what your personality is then what music would fit that personality? I feel that the music choice may not be fitting. I'm convinced you like that music, but does it enhance and compliment who you are as an entertainer? And yeah I agree with a former speaker that music is way too loud in some videos.

Second of all, you need to be aware about how other people view you and think about how to use that to your advantage. Let's face it, you are obviously young and that unfortunately has implications. I made a video about this on freedom central:

Have you thought about why people would want to watch you over the huge amount of other youtubers in your genre. That is something that you need to be able to answer for yourself.

But yeah I hear you. I've been going at it for two years and I have half of the subs that I thought I would get in one year. Sometimes you can do everything right and not go nowhere, and then someone else randomly uploads a video of a cat and get millions of views. I'm having that exact same problem. I really believe in my content though, I think I deliver. But I haven't cracked the marketing code yet.
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Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Apr 28, 2014
I skimmed through your latest video and i loved how energetic you were for quite awhile but nearing the 35min mark i noticed your energy was slowing down. i could be wrong but that is what it looked like to me as a viewer, maybe try not going for 50 plus minutes? know your limit when you realize you either start to get bored or run out of things to say.
2nd the music you chose for the game is way off, when choosing music to add onto your videos really think about if it matches the mood of the game. another thought about the music, dont have it louder than your voice.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 19, 2017
You are amazingly good, your videos are high quality and your humor as a little kid is top notch. Keep doing what you doing. Quick little note your voice also gets overshadowed by the game volume, raise your mic volume or lower in game volume

Mardy Rooster

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jan 14, 2017
Hey man, thought i would give you a quick review.

You are funny, never let life take that from you. You are very confident, that is great.

The main problem you have is Tags and Title.

I am not a fan of clickbait, but a little bit is necessary.
Your Lamborghini car chases video, could have been titled something along the lines of...OMG I crashed my Lamborghini! The Crew Lamborghini races.

For your tags make sure the actual game title is in the tags and copy and paste your title into the tags as well.. Make sure it does not split up into a lot of small tags though and it stays as 1 big tag.

Great channel and video buddy, nothing really wrong with your content, just your tags n titles.