
New User
Freedom! Member
Jul 12, 2016

Do anyone knows what is the secret to success on YouTube? How people are making millions?

How so many people are getting thousands of subscribers on daily basis.

Please share your thoughts with the forum here.

Ok, I am offering two things to contribute in your success. If your channel is similar are mine, I will collaborate on Playlists.

If you will subscribe me, I will subscribe you back.

But if you don't like my content, please do not subscribe me.

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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jul 16, 2016
Well If I were you I wouldn't really care about subscribers and views. Sure we all want to become a Well-know YouTuber (even me) one day but I would just keep making videos just for fun and be happy with the people who already watch my content :)
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zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
As the poster above me said, I don't think people should be so worried about views, subs or money starting out, it should be about creating quality content which people can enjoy. I also don't think there is a secret to success on YouTube, otherwise everyone would be able to do it, most of the big YouTubers, and i'm not going to name them, started out years ago when there wasn't such a saturation of videos (music / gaming for example) and as such gained a lot of fame being one of the first people to do that.

Nowadays creators need to find a niche market, and effective audience to keep up with the rest of the creators, and create not only fun and engaging content but also be proactive in promotion. As a side note I would be careful as saying 'if you subscribe to me, I will subscribe you back" sounds awfully like sub4sub which isn't allowed on Freedom.
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Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jun 16, 2016
you just have to keep going. no matter how hard it gets. just be awesome and original by your video's and always use thumbnails and awesome titles by your video's. have a channel trailer and all your video's ordered in playlists with the active ones on the home dashboard of your channel. also always share your video's everywhere you can and promoot yourself. and the most important 2 things are: interaction with your fans and collaberation. then you grow better ;)
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