How To subscribers X2


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Mar 31, 2016
New Jersey

1) subscribers just don't appear., you have to work for it. If you want subscribers your videos should have a target audience, for instance; My main target audience is enthusiasts of LCPD:FR. So find a type of video you want to make (Vlog, Gaming, Music) If you do gaming, choose a game YOU Enjoy. If you don't enjoy it you won't have a great attitude while recording and that doesn't attract an audience. So the game you enjoy, people who enjoy that game are your target audience.

2) Horrible attitude. Saying "I can't do it," (sorry if i seem blunt in the next few lines) but that' being a lazy bumblef**k and just quit and don't attempt to make a channel. If you have the mind set you can't do something, don't even think about trying. You can't plan on being a YouTuber with the attitude of "you can't do it" If you don't want it you wont get it. Have confidence, being youtube famous isn't a month thing. YouTubers put in countless hours and hard work to get where they are. You can't just say "I want subscribers" and then magically have them appear. So this is what you do (In a metaphorical sense) Get off your a** and do some work, you can do it. I'm here to support you all the way as a fellow colleague. I'm on your side.

P.S - sorry if i seemed like a d**k, but I'm honest and don't sugar coat anything. I tell people how it is, so I hope I helped in a way
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Active Member
Freedom! Member
Mar 31, 2016
well your best bet is to link your you tube subscribe button to your forum it easy to do just go up to your profile aka click your name in top right corner click on persaniol details and were it says add you tube channel paste your channel id in it and to get that you go into you tube were creator studio is click on the settings button next to it advanced and then paste what it says after this YouTube Channel ID: into your persnal profile bit that says same thing


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Nov 13, 2015
As Cadillac said, and not to be rude either, "I can't do it" is not a very good spirit :/

Your followers doesn't fall from the sky, they are people and you need to talk to people to make friends, right? Same on youtube =) try and you'll see what I mean