The Argument - Mac vs. PC

Nolan Westmore

I take up space
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
I am here once again to determine community opinion.

Here's what we're going to try to do. I want you to do a little research to help back you up, rather than just blurting out opinion opinion and more opinion.

Here's the idea - Name one pro for PC which will work as a con against Macs, then name a pro for Macs which will work as a con against PC.

Let me start.
For PC, there is a greater bang for the buck. But a Mac is more stable and reliable in the long term.


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jan 13, 2015
I would assume that you mean PC as in Windows Computers vs Macs as in OS X.
I go to a school where you are given a Macbook on enrollment, and I'm now in my Junior year at this school, so I've become familiar with the Operating System. Here is my take.

Pro for PC/ Con for Mac: A benefit to PC is that you have the freedom to customize your parts however you please. The only thing will most likely customize on a Mac is the RAM

Pro for Mac/ Con for PC: The included software is awesome. With OS X, it is for most users, a reliable and user friendly experience. It also provides free upgrades to newer versions of OS X every year, unlike new Windows versions. You also get iMovie for free, which is significantly better than Windows Movie Maker. OS X also has the benefit of being the most compatible with any iOS version or Apple device(obviously)


Active Member
Jan 30, 2016
with most desktop pcs you have the ability to customize the parts, macs are all the same therefore they have better support


Mar 1, 2014
I've never owned a Mac and I barely worked on an old iMac for a couple of projects a few years ago. However, I still want to give this a try!

I will leave the Windows side at hardware because Mac users can just get bootcamp and inherit whatever Windows offers. Similarly, a PC enthusiast would be able to build a Hackintosh but that's fine because a Hackintosh is not a Mac.

Pro for PC/Con for Mac

The possibility of upgrading vital parts such as the CPU, GPU, Motherboard, etc.. Sure you can upgrade your Mac from an HDD to an SSD if you don't already have flash storage, or buy RAM kits for better multi-tasking and background tasks. However, these two won't matter once your other components fall behind, creating a bottleneck, and unfortunately, they cannot be upgraded.​

Pro for Mac/Con for PC
Native first party Mac apps have great support, they're well optimized with the hardware and run much better than any native first party Windows app. A perfect example is Final Cut Pro X, with this editing software you can have a better experience editing videos fluidly on a relatively low-powered OS X machine while a PC user with similar/equivalent specs running Adobe Premiere or Sony Vegas may experience lag or crashes.​
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Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jan 30, 2016
Mac or PC depends really on a person's budget and the kind of person they are. Unfortunately I couldn't quickly find a link to back up my tiny history lessons but I'll summarize Mac like this. Originally, way back when computer monitors were monochrome, Apple's target customers were highly skilled and educated professionals such as Architects and engineers, whom already spent /years/ learning the skills they need to perform their job. Apple thought these folks were /done/ learning and /couldn't be bothered/ to learn /a new software/ to perform their job more efficiently. Thus Apple sold their computers at a premium because (the marketing went) /Apple computers are so intuitive, you won't have to learn anything, just turn it on and start Architect-ing / Engineering!/

Now, I don't agree with that statement but that was the marketing angel at the time. The adds have changed but the prices haven't, Still, if you think about it, they sorta target the same group "Using a PC / Android is hard, buy Mac!"

Sure iMovie is great, built in ssh functionality is great. Yet for the money you save buying PC, I could buy Sony Vegas and download PuTTY is my logic.

Disclaimer? I own both PC and a Mac b/c of an old job I had. The mac is great... lightweight, snappy, battery is alright... but all is not perfect in mac world. Last week I was going to be traveling and thought "Let's take my Mac so I can continue developing my online games while on the road" I couldn't tho, the IDE I use isn't supported in Mac. So instead I just wrote scripts for my YouTube Channels on Microsoft word....Excellent use of a $999.99 Mac right? Fanciest typewriter this side of Texas! yeehaa! xD


Respected User
Sep 20, 2014
For PC, easier to work with. That's why every game is on PC, but not every game is on Mac.
For Mac, it has a better array of tools to work with and is generally able to do a lot larger scale things then PC.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Mar 3, 2016
I've used Mac almost all my life, as well as PC, though not as much. My first computer was an old iMac G3 from the late 90s, and I've loved Mac since. I do have a new gaming PC for recording videos and whatnot, but I realize that, at least in MY experience with Macs and PCs, that Macs are easier to use when it comes to producing music, editing videos, and so on. And as a musician as well as a gamer, I'm kind of split. In the future, I'll buy a Mac to work on music, since it's so much easier, at least for me. I personally think that PCs are good for gaming, however, and Macs are good at video/audio work, video/photo editing, and so on. But that's just my opinion, of course.