PC Looking For Youtubers To Play Minecraft With!


Active Member
Hello all my name is TrulyChris and I play on a small minecraft server called MushCraft SMP. We are always looking for new members to join us as well as to collab with. We are looking to have a fun, active community, awesome builds, and love to see other players talents. If you are 18 or older, trustworthy, and interested in some all around fun in Minecraft survival in an active multiplayer setting, this could be the place for you!

Requirements to join:
-Age 18+
-Trustworthy (no stealing, griefing, etc.)
-Treat Others With Respect
-Steady flow of uploads on channel

To join:
-Comment your channel link and discord username below
-Explain why you would make a good choice for this SMP

To see some videos from the server so far check out these channels:


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Respected User
Freedom! Member
May 2, 2015
Hello all my name is TrulyChris and I play on a small minecraft server called MushCraft SMP. We are always looking for new members to join us as well as to collab with. We are looking to have a fun, active community, awesome builds, and love to see other players talents. If you are 18 or older, trustworthy, and interested in some all around fun in Minecraft survival in an active multiplayer setting, this could be the place for you!

Requirements to join:
-Age 18+
-Trustworthy (no stealing, griefing, etc.)
-Treat Others With Respect
-Steady flow of uploads on channel

To join:
-Comment your channel link and discord username below
-Explain why you would make a good choice for this SMP

To see some videos from the server so far check out these channels:


What if I'm 17?

DTM Panda

Rising User
Feb 9, 2021
Interesting, does uploading weekly livestreams count? as I livestream my content and get my team to edit it on a seperate channel for better organization.

I stream for hours on end via Friday Evening to Saturday and Sunday "All day" (If i feel like it)

I am looking to grow my sub count but I am always down for new minecraft content.

I do, do some crazy things within minecraft like If I feel like it, I will mine from border to border if you have one and will mine a 30k by 30k or 300k by 300k or even 50k by 50k hole although the more extreme projects I do the more time I will most like grind offline but once friday - sunday comes I will always livestream regardless the situation I am in.

If you're looking for someone like that then consider me. Also I do have some disabilities like speech problem, learning difficulties and ADHD, I also swear but I try to keep it in, If I am in the presence of someone who is younger than 18.

Edit: You're gonna have to DM me lol Freedom Mods has removed my discord and youtube links to my channel for some reason even thou it's stated that I need to put my channel link in this post.
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