Gaming My Introduction


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 11, 2016
Ontario, Canada
Hey Guys.

My name is Rita. My channel name is Ritzie Ritz. I am going to answer the introduction questions for you guys here and hopefully you'll understand a bit more about me and such.

Your name:
My real name is Rita, but most people call me Ritzie due to my channel name being Ritzie Ritz.

(Optional) Where are you from?:
I am from Ontario, Canada.

(Optional) How old are you?:
I am an adult. That is all you need to know. ;)

How did you find Freedom!?
I found Freedom through my husband. He sent me a link for the network as he thought it would assist my channel growth.

What made you join our forums?:
I enjoy communicating with others and figured a forum would be a great place to get to know the community around Freedom and gaming in general.

What are your hobbies?:
I have quite a few hobbies that I enjoy taking part in. I play 13 instruments, took video game design in college, and write short stories that I sell on Kindle. Generally, I enjoy doing anything and everything that is artistic which includes (but is not limited to) cooking.

What is your favorite food?
I love many different kinds of food, but Indian and Italian are my favourites.

Why did you start YouTube?
I started my YouTube channel because I wanted to create a unique space that allowed people to connect with me and others, talk about difficult situations in life, and help each other through difficult situations while enjoying some awesome games. I also focus on having fun.

(Optional)What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to make the world a better place by spreading hope, kindness, and love through the world.

What kind of channel do you run?:
I run a gaming channel.

What kind of content do you upload?
I upload games, random rants, and vlogs of my life. In terms of the games that I upload, I tend to post play-throughs and how-to Redstone tutorials in Minecraft PC, Minecraft PE, and Minecraft PS3 editions.

When do you upload?:
I upload new videos every Wednesday and I live stream every Saturday.

Channel link:
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Respected User
Freedom! Member
Nov 13, 2015

lol welcome here ritzie!
English-canadian accent is beautiful. French-canadian even more ♫
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